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General Migration Guidelines

This is a list of things to do if you want to update from a previous version valid for every version. - Take a list to migration notes below for your version - Take a look to the release notes - update your package.json to latest libs versions - take a look at your custom files to see if there are some changes (e.g. localConfig.js, - Follow the instructions, in order

Migration from 2017.05.00 to 2018.01.00

MapStore 2018.01.00 introduced theme and js and css versioning. This allows to auto-invalidates cache files for each version of your software. For custom projects you could choose to ignore this changes by setting version: "no-version" in your app.jsx StandardRouter selector:

const routerSelector = createSelector(state => state.locale, (locale) => ({
    locale: locale || {},
    version: "no-version",
    themeCfg: {
        theme: "mythheme"
const StandardRouter = connect(routerSelector)(require('../MapStore2/web/client/components/app/StandardRouter'));

Support js/theme versioning in your project

Take a look to this pull request as reference. Basically versioning is implemented in 2 different ways for css and js files : - Add at build time the js files inclusion to the files, with proper hashes. - Load theme css files appending to the URL the ?{version} where version is the current mapstore2 version The different kind of loading for css files is needed to continue supporting the theme switching capabilities. For the future we would like to unify these 2 systems. See this issue.

You have to: - Add the version file to the root (version.txt). - Create a template for each html file you have. These files will replace the html files when you build the final war file. These files are like the original ones but without the [bundle].js file inclusion and without theme css. - Add HtmlWebpackPlugin for production only, one for each js file. This plugin will add to the template file the script inclusion (example). - if you have to include the script in the head (e.g. api.html has some script that need the js to be loaded before executing the inline scripts), use the option inject: 'head' - change each entry point (app.jsx, api.jsx, embedded.jsx, yourcoustomentrypoint.jsx) this way (example): - version reducer in StandardRouter - loadVersion action in initialActions - version and loadAfterTheme selectors to StandardRouter state.

// Example
const {versionSelector} = require('../MapStore2/web/client/selectors/version');
const {loadVersion} = require('../MapStore2/web/client/actions/version');
const version = require('../MapStore2/web/client/actions/version');
StandardRouter = connect ( state => ({
    locale: state.locale || {},
        version : versionSelector(state),
        loadAfterTheme: loadAfterThemeSelector(state)
const appStore = require('../MapStore2/web/client/stores/StandardStore').bind(null, initialState, {
    // ...
    version: version
// ...
const appConfig = {
    // ...
    initialActions: [loadVersion]
  • Add to your pom.xml some execution steps to replace html files with the ones generated in 'dist' directory. (example). And copy version.txt
  • Override the version file in your build process (e.g. you can use the commit hash)

Migration from 2017.05.00 to 2017.03.00 and previews

In 2017.03.00 the createProject.js script created only a custom project. From version 2017.04.00 we changed the script to generate 2 kind of projects: - custom: the previous version - standard: mapstore standard

Standard project wants to help to generate a project that is basically the MapStore product, where you can add your own plugins and customize your theme (before this you had to create a project similar to MapStore on your own) Depending on our usage of custom project, this may introduce some breaking changes. If you previously included some file from product folder, now app.jsx has been changed to call main.jsx. Please take a look on how the main product uses this to migrate your changes inside your custom project.

Migration from 2017.01.00 to 2017.02.00

The version 2017.02.00 has many improvements and changes: * introduced redux-observable * updated webpack to version 2 * updated react-intl to version 2.x * updated react to [version 15.4.2] ( * updated react-bootstrap to version 0.30.7

We suggest you to: * align your package.json with the latest version of 2017.02.00. * update your webpack files (see below). * update your tests to react 15 version. see upgrade guide * Update your react-bootstrap custom components with the new one (see below).

Side Effect Management - Introduced redux-observable

To manage complex asynchronous operations the thunk middleware is not enough. When we started with MapStore there was no alternative to thunk. Now we have some options. After a spike (results available here) we chose to use redux-observable. For the future, we strongly recommend to use this library to perform asynchronous tasks.

Introducing this library will allow to : * remove business logic from the components event handlers * now all new actionCreators should return pure actions. All async stuff will be deferred to the epics. * avoid bouncing between components and state to trigger side effect * speed up development with rxjs functionalities * Existing thunk integration will be maintained since all the thunks will be replaced.

If you are using the Plugin system and the StandardStore, you may have only to include the missing new dependencies in your package.json (redux-observable and an updated version of redux).

Check the current package.json to get he most recent versions. For testing we included also redux-mockup-store as a dependency, but you are free to test your epics as you want.

For more complex integrations check this pull request to see how to integrate redux-observable or follow the guide on the redux-observable site.

Webpack update to version 2

We updated webpack (old one is deprecated), check this pull request to find out how to update your webpack files. here a list of what we had to update: * module.loaders are now module.rules * update your package.json with latest versions of webpack, webpack plugins and karma libs and integrations (Take a look to the changes on package.json in the pull request if you want a detailed list of what to update in this case). * change your test proxy configuration with the new one.

More details on the webpack site.

react-intl update to 2.x

See this pull request for the details. You should only have to update your package.json

react update to 15.4.2

Check this pull request to see how to: update your package.json update your tests

React Bootstrap update

The version we are using is not documented anymore, and not too much compatible with react 15 (too many warnings). So this update can not be postponed anymore. The bigger change in this case is that the Input component do not exists anymore. You will have to replace all your Input with the proper components, and update the package.json. See this pull request for details.